Living My Purpose: Becoming a Recovery Coach
Rebuilding Self-Worth and Worthiness in Recovery
The Journey Through Inner Healing: A Path to Self-Discovery and Wellness
Will I be boring now that I've stopped using drugs and alcohol?
Rising Above the Stigma: A Guide to Overcoming Shame and Embracing Addiction Recovery
Embrace the New Year: Setting Intentions to Support Your Recovery
Building Resilience and Grit: Unleashing the Power of Positive Psychology in Addiction Recovery
Alchemy Wellness...It's a Kinda Recovery Magic
Managing My Addiction Triggers in Recovery
Some things I know now that I didn't know 15 years ago!
Feeling the Feelings | It's not an unmanaged mood disorder!
Thank You for the Music
It's Not About the Money...
What Does it Really Mean to be in Recovery?
You are not a car! And you are not broken!
Are You in the Arena Getting Your Ass Kicked?
Lucky Number Thirteen